Open Csv Program For Mac

Open the 'File' menu and choose 'Open' so you can navigate to the location of your CSV file. Set the Enable drop-down menu at the bottom of the File Open dialog box to 'All Readable Documents.'

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Converting a CSV file to a PDF can be useful if you want to include your spreadsheet data as part of a presentation, or distribute figures to people who do not have access to a spreadsheet program. Although Apple's Numbers spreadsheet application cannot open or edit PDF documents, you can still use the program to generate a PDF file through OS X's Print As PDF feature. Print As PDF allows OS X programs to generate PDF files through the same mechanisms used to send jobs to a printer.


Open Numbers. Click “File” and then select “Open.”


Browse to the location of your CSV file and double-click on it. Numbers will automatically import the file into a Numbers spreadsheet.


Click “PDF” and then select “Save as PDF” from the drop-down menu. Select a location for the PDF file and then enter a name for the file into the Save As box. Click “Save” to generate the file.



  • Information in this article applies to Mac computers running Mac OS X Mavericks. It may vary slightly or significantly with other versions or products.
Open csv program for macro excel

References (1)

About the Author

Andy Walton has been a technology writer since 2009, specializing in networking and mobile communications. He was previously an IT technician and product manager. Walton is based in Leicester, England, and holds a bachelor's degree in information systems from the University of Leeds.

Open Csv Program For Mac Os X

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Program Files On Mac

Walton, Andy. 'How to Convert Imported CSV Files to PDF Files on Mac OS X.' Small Business -, Accessed 06 September 2019.
Walton, Andy. (n.d.). How to Convert Imported CSV Files to PDF Files on Mac OS X. Small Business - Retrieved from

Open Csv Program For Macro

Walton, Andy. 'How to Convert Imported CSV Files to PDF Files on Mac OS X' accessed September 06, 2019.

Csv Macintosh Format

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