Program Like Powerpoint For Mac

A free program for mac, by Autodesk. A free app for Mac, by Autodesk. There was PowerPoint, and to a large extent, that was it. PowerPoint is a great piece of software, don't get us wrong, but there was definitely room for a change. It doesn't save your work as you go. It's like powerpoint 1997. Spent all day. Summary – presentation software program used mainly for businesses and companies with more than 25 employees that need a robust presentation software solution. With over 40 years of rich presentation history, the presentation software company was created out of the presentation design agency, Sales Graphics.

Powerpoint For Mac 2011

Split from this thread.

Hi Rena,

I updated to version 16.19.0 (181109) yesterday and, unfortunately, continue to have the same problems.

I gave a presentation today and thankfully I wasn't interrupted during the actual presentation portion, but while answering questions and referring back to the slides (i.e., lingering on slides for longer periods of time) the program would disappear from my external display and only re-appear when I advanced. It really seems like the display/laptop is trying to dim or go to sleep (I don't have an active screensaver). I even tried to download a program (yesterday) to stop my laptop from going to sleep/dimming, but it didn't help.

I apologize that I am not able to keep up with all the requests (i.e., sending videos or files). I need to focus on my defence presentation that is early next week but I will try any suggestions when/if I can.

I provided info through the 'smile' button the same day that I first replied to this thread.


I have no 3rd party powerpoint add-ins. I haven't tried to start my computer in safe mode but will try when I can.



Hi Blue Horse_21,

Thanks for the files.

I opened your file and exported it to pdf. What I found is that the picture displays clearly in Normal view, but it gets blurry when playing in slide show. And I get the same result when testing in PowerPoint in Windows. Thus, the exported pdf is the same as how it shows in playing slide show. It should be related to the picture's resolution. If this is your case as well, it is an expected behavior.

Regarding to the behavior about the grey line, you are correct and please monitor the primary thread: When I export my powerpoint to pdf, a random border pops up around all of my images. We will post there if there is any updates. Additinonally, to let other community members see the information clearly, we will lock this thread.

@M Dobro, as for the 'blurry picture', if the previous situation is the same as you, you may try to use a high resolution picture to test. If not, we kindly suggest you post a new thread about it. We will focus on your details there.

Appreciate your understanding.

Free Program Like Powerpoint


Powerpoint For Mac Free
